Sunday, February 27, 2011

Baby Bump #2

Well, I am 40 weeks and 1 day today. I had a feeling Joel would be late too. =) If he's not here this week, they'll probably be inducing me on the 3rd. I've been soooo anxious for him to make an appearance, but my good friend told me to look at it this way - every day that Joel is not here, it's another day Kristie and I have to be together! So we are going to take advantage of that this week while we're waiting for him to come out. She gave me a pass to the children's museum, so we'll go do that. Go spend my gift certificate for a manicure together (and have them do Kristie's nails too.) Heck, we'll even go to "Old McDonald's" and eat a happy meal together at the play place! But we sure can't wait to see you kiddo! Hope you're coming soon!!

Here's how my bump grew this time. =)


Mackenzie said...

Oh hang in there! This week will be miserable, but it will all end soon! Very cute house. We will have to come visit after the little man arrives.

Jennifer and Enoch Jones said...

Good luck! I hope you have a quick and mostly pain free (because we all know there is going to be pain in delivery!) delivery!!! Atleast there is a date set so you know he'll atleast be here by then! :)

Emily Young said...

March 3rd isn't a bad date to have a baby on--that's my mom's bday! Hang in there, can't wait to see pics of your little guy! And congrats on your move, btw. So fun!

Momma Nelson said...

So Fun!!!! That is great advice. You look awesome. Hope you have great week and meet your little guy soon. Good Luck. Let us know if you need anything.