I did it - I pulled off planning a surprise party! I thought Jason definitely deserved one...especially after all the crud he's put up with from me the past 7 months. =) We had an awesome turn out and had such a blast!! Jason came home from work, in uniform, covered in spots of oil. So the first thing he did was take a shower. =) We had tons of fruit and this delicious dip I made (just that simple recipe - 1 package of cream cheese and 1 jar of marshmallow cream mixed together. I add a little bit of vanilla. It is heaven.) and chips & salsa. After singing "Happy Birthday" to him and eating the cake I made, some of us went out to go bowling for a round, and had tons of fun! I'd say it was a success!
(I didn't get pictures of him being surprised when he walked in and I wish I did!!)
4 years ago