Well he came!! I was 41 weeks and 1 day, phew. Joel was born at 3:50 am Sunday March 6th and weighed 9 lbs 5 oz!! Where I fit a 9 pound baby I'll never know. =) We arrived at the hospital at 4:15 for a 4:30 induction on Saturday the 5th. When they first checked me before being induced I was at 3cm and 60% effaced - finally, I was starting to progress on my own! After getting everything ready & hooked up, doing blood tests and so on, they finally got the pitocin started at 8pm. At 10:30 I was given the epidural. By then I was having a steady pattern of contractions - nothing too painful, just the uncomfortable tight ones. At 11:50 they broke my water (and I was still at 3cm by then.) Jason and I slept from about 12:00-1:30am probably. At 2:50 my nurse checked me and I was a 4 and his head was way lower. Then I started to feel a lot of pressure down there with each contraction. At 3:15 the pressure was getting stronger, so she checked again and I was a 5. I was getting excited because it felt like Joel was getting closer and closer to coming. (And I remembered that this was how it felt when it was about time to push Kristie out.) Jason went to the bathroom and I remember thinking "Hurry Jason, I don't want you to miss this!" Haha. At 3:27 I was 10 cm and ready to push! My hands were shaking like crazy because I dilated so fast. And the doctor almost didn't make it in time! I felt like I was having to hold him in, he was coming so quick! At 3:35 I started pushing and 15 minutes later at 3:50, Joel was born! The pressure was really intense while I was pushing (more-so than with Kristie) but it was so quick! I can't tell you how amazing it was to bring another into the world with Jason at my side. Absolutely nothing like it. Joel is such a good baby and we're SO blessed to have TWO amazing kids!
Waiting to be induced!
Just seconds after being born.
Jason was so anxious to hold him, it was adorable! I breast fed him right away for awhile, so Jason asked "Is it my turn to hold him yet??"
It took Kristie awhile to acknowledge him at the hospital - but she got there!
First family of four picture! Kristie wasn't into it obviously, haha.
Love his little body. =)
And oh dear me, the toes...awww...
Dressed and ready to go home!
Look at all that hair! (Dark hair at that!)
Good to be home!
Joel's visitors in the hospital!